Supported Employment
Competitive employment has a positive impact on those recovering from mental illness, including self-esteem, life satisfaction, and reducing symptoms.
Supported Employment uses a strength-based approach to help you meet your employment goals. We understand that everyone is different and employ individual services to match your employment needs. Employment helps support mental health goals and increases self-reliance. We offer help with your job search and can help you build skills for resume writing and interviewing.
Two-thirds of people with serious mental illness want to work but only 15% are employed. In 25 randomized controlled trials, it was found the people in IPS (individual placement and support) had a competitive employment rate of 56% compared to the 23% of those in the control group without IPS.
Core Principles of Supported Employment:
- Zero Exclusion – Every person with mental illness who wants to work is eligible for IPS supported employment.
- Employment services are integrated with mental health treatment services.
- Personalized benefits counseling is provided.
- Competitive employment is the goal.
- Rapid job search.
- Employment specialists systematically develop relationships with employers based upon their Job Seekers work preferences.
- Job supports are continuous, before and after employment.
- Client preferences are honored.